Introducing the Gorilla Cage
The lovely people at Free Parable, the inventors of the monkii V cage, monkii clip, monkii V wedge and all things monkii, have sent us their newest product, the Gorilla Cage to take a look at.

monkii cage compared to the new gorilla cage
The Gorilla cage we received isn’t the final final version, but it’s pretty close.
It can be mounted using 3 bosses, like the Salsa Anything Cage or just using 2 bosses or a monkii clip. It uses the same mounting system as it’s sister the monkii cage.
The Gorilla Cage has been designed to carry larger, bulkier items. Weigh limits haven’t been confirmed yet, but are likely to be around 2.5-3.5kgs.

Loaded gorilla cage
The Review
To give it a good test, we could think of no one better than Mr Bear Bones Bikepacking, inventor of the Welsh Ride Thing (WRT) and the Bear Bones 200, in deepest, darkest, mid-wales to give us his very experienced opinion. Here’s his first look.