Our current products, pricing & delivery charges

monkii products

  1. T2 Trailer £324.75. Delivery £9.50 (Includes free monkii cage)
  2. monkii cage (Colours black, white, green,). £11.75. Delivery £3.50
  3. monkii cage V (Colours black, white, bright pink). £11.75. Delivery £3.50
  4. monkii wedge £18.75. Delivery £3.50
  5. monkii wedge V £18.75. Delivery £3.50
  6. monkii mono £17.75. Delivery £3.50
  7. monkii clip £8.75. Delivery £1.95 

monkii accessories

  1. monkii Cleats £3.75.  Delivery .95p.
  2. monkii fastener £3.75. Delivery .95p.
  3. monkii nuts (Rohloff or Alfine). £26.75. Delivery £3.50.
  4. Full spares for T2 trailer including, level prop, hitch set, waterproof bag, straps, mudguard (Please contact for pricing).

Showing 1–12 of 1543 results

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The Art of Cycling
289 products

The Art of Cycling

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The Fixer Cycling Print by Andrew Pavitt


Alpine Descent Cycling Print by Andrew Pavitt


Shadow Dancer Cycling Print by Andrew Pavitt


The Blue Saddle Cycling Print by Mick Marston

Mr Mellow Vello Cycling Print by Andrew Pavitt


T2 single wheel bicycle trailer


Bramwell Brown Cycling Weather Clock

Road Rage Cycling Print by Mick Marston

Round Wheels Cycling Print – Paul Cleden


dom Cargo Bike Frameset (Frame, rack & forks)

Rideout Cycling Print by Simon Spilsbury

Olympic Velodrome Cycling Print by Paul Cleden
